本文最后更新于:2023年11月19日 中午
说明:本文摘自《20 Things I’ve Learned in my 20 Years as a Software Engineer》 @JustinEtheredge
I still don’t know very much 我还不太了解xxx
“How can you not know what BGP is?” “You’ve never heard of Rust?” Most of us have heard these kinds of statements, probably too often. The reason many of us love software is because we are lifelong learners, and in software no matter which direction you look, there are wide vistas of knowledge going off in every direction and expanding by the day. This means that you can spend decades in your career, and still have a huge knowledge gap compared to someone who has also spent decades in a seemingly similar role. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can start to shed your imposter syndrome and instead delight in learning from and teaching others.
“你怎么会不知道BGP是什么?” “你从来没有听说过 Rust?”我们大多数人都听过这类言论,而且可能听得太频繁了。我们中的许多人热爱软件的原因是因为我们是终身学习者,在软件中,无论你朝哪个方向看,知识的广阔视野都在向各个方向延伸,并与日俱增。这意味着你可以在自己的职业生涯中度过数十年,但与在看似相似的职位上度过数十年的人相比,仍然存在巨大的知识差距。你越早意识到这一点,你就能越早开始摆脱冒名顶替综合症,转而乐于向他人学习和教导他人。
The hardest part of software is building the right thing 软件最难的部分是构建正确的东西
I know this is cliche at this point, but the reason most software engineers don’t believe it is because they think it devalues their work. Personally I think that is nonsense. Instead it highlights the complexity and irrationality of the environments in which we have to work, which compounds our challenges. You can design the most technically impressive thing in the world, and then have nobody want to use it. Happens all the time. Designing software is mostly a listening activity, and we often have to be part software engineer, part psychic, and part anthropologist. Investing in this design process, whether through dedicated UX team members or by simply educating yourself, will deliver enormous dividends. Because how do you really calculate the cost of building the wrong software? It amounts to a lot more than just lost engineering time.
The best software engineers think like designers 最好的软件工程师像设计师一样思考
Great software engineers think deeply about the user experience of their code. They might not think about it in those terms, but whether it is an external API, programmatic API, user interface, protocol, or any other interface; great engineers consider who will be using it, why it will be used, how it will be used, and what is important to those users. Keeping the user’s needs in mind is really the heart of good user experience.
优秀的软件工程师会深入思考其代码的用户体验。他们可能不会用这些术语来思考它,而是考虑它是否是外部 API、编程 API、用户界面、协议或任何其他接口;伟大的工程师会考虑谁将使用它、为什么使用它、如何使用它以及对这些用户来说重要的是什么。牢记用户的需求确实是良好用户体验的核心。
The best code is no code, or code you don’t have to maintain 最好的代码是没有代码,或者不需要维护的代码
All I have to say is “coders gonna code.” You ask someone in any profession how to solve a problem, and they are going to err on the side of what they are good at. It is just human nature. Most software engineers are always going to err on the side of writing code, especially when a non-technical solution isn’t obvious. The same goes for code you don’t have to maintain. Engineering teams are apt to want to reinvent the wheel, when lots of wheels already exist. This is a balancing act, there are lots of reasons to grow your own, but beware of toxic “Not Invented Here” syndrome.
Software is a means to an end 软件是达到目的的手段
The primary job of any software engineer is delivering value. Very few software developers understand this, even fewer internalize it. Truly internalizing this leads to a different way of solving problems, and a different way of viewing your tools. If you really believe that software is subservient to the outcome, you’ll be ready to really find “the right tool for the job” which might not be software at all.
Sometimes you have to stop sharpening the saw, and just start cutting shit 有时你必须停止磨锯子,并着手解决问题
Some people tend to jump into problems and just start writing code. Other people tend to want to research and research and get caught in analysis paralysis. In those cases, set a deadline for yourself and just start exploring solutions. You’ll quickly learn more as you start solving the problem, and that will lead you to iterate into a better solution.
If you don’t have a good grasp of the universe of what’s possible, you can’t design a good system 如果你不能很好地把握软件生态的可能性,你就无法设计出一个好的系统
This is something I struggle with a lot as my responsibilities take me further and further from the day to day of software engineering. Keeping up with the developer ecosystem is a huge amount of work, but it is critical to understand what is possible. If you don’t understand what is possible and what is available in a given ecosystem then you’ll find it impossible to design a reasonable solution to all but the most simple of problems. To summarize, be wary of people designing systems who haven’t written any code in a long time.
Every system eventually sucks, get over it 每个系统最终都会很糟糕,克服它
Bjarne Stroustrup has a quote that goes “There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses”. This can be extended to large systems as well. There is no “right” architecture, you’ll never pay down all of your technical debt, you’ll never design the perfect interface, your tests will always be too slow. This isn’t an excuse to never make things better, but instead a way to give you perspective. Worry less about elegance and perfection; instead strive for continuous improvement and creating a livable system that your team enjoys working in and sustainably delivers value.
Bjarne Stroustrup 有句话说:“只有两种语言:人们抱怨的语言和没人使用的语言”。这也可以扩展到大型系统。没有“正确”的架构,你永远无法偿还所有的技术债务,你永远无法设计出完美的界面,你的测试总是太慢。这并不是永远让事情变得更好的借口,而是一种为你提供视角的方法。少担心优雅和完美;相反,努力持续改进并创建一个让您的团队喜欢工作并可持续地创造价值的宜居系统。
Nobody asks “why” enough 没有人一直追问“为什么”
Take any opportunity to question assumptions and approaches that are “the way things have always been done”. Have a new team member coming on board? Pay attention to where they get confused and what questions they ask. Have a new feature request that doesn’t make sense? Make sure you understand the goal and what is driving the desire for this functionality. If you don’t get a clear answer, keep asking why until you understand.
We should be far more focused on avoiding 0.1x programmers than finding 10x programmers 我们应该更关注避免 0.1x 程序员而不是寻找 10x 程序员
The 10x programmer is a silly myth. The idea that someone can produce in 1 day what another competent, hard working, similarly experienced programmer can produce in 2 weeks is silly. I’ve seen programmers that sling 10x the amount of code, and then you have to fix it 10x the amount of times. The only way someone can be a 10x programmer is if you compare them to 0.1x programmers. Someone who wastes time, doesn’t ask for feedback, doesn’t test their code, doesn’t consider edge cases, etc… We should be far more concerned with keeping 0.1x programmers off our teams than finding the mythical 10x programmer.
10 倍程序员是一个愚蠢的神话。认为某人可以在一天内完成另一位有能力、勤奋、经验相似的程序员在两周内可以完成的工作的想法是愚蠢的。我见过程序员编写了 10 倍的代码,然后你必须修复它 10 倍的次数。某人成为 10 倍程序员的唯一方法就是将他们与 0.1 倍程序员进行比较。有人浪费时间、不寻求反馈、不测试代码、不考虑边缘情况等等……我们应该更关心如何让 0.1 倍程序员离开我们的团队,而不是寻找神话般的 10 倍程序员。
One of the biggest differences between a senior engineer and a junior engineer is that they’ve formed opinions about the way things should be 高级工程师和初级工程师之间最大的区别之一是他们对事情应该如何发展形成了自己的看法
Nothing worries me more than a senior engineer that has no opinion of their tools or how to approach building software. I’d rather someone give me opinions that I violently disagree with than for them to have no opinions at all. If you are using your tools, and you don’t love or hate them in a myriad of ways, you need to experience more. You need to explore other languages, libraries, and paradigms. There are few ways of leveling up your skills faster than actively seeking out how others accomplish tasks with different tools and techniques than you do.
People don’t really want innovation 人们并不真正想要创新
People talk about innovation a whole lot, but what they are usually looking for is cheap wins and novelty. If you truly innovate, and change the way that people have to do things, expect mostly negative feedback. If you believe in what you’re doing, and know it will really improve things, then brace yourself for a long battle.
Your data is the most important part of your system 数据是系统中最重要的部分
I’ve seen a lot of systems where hope was the primary mechanism of data integrity. In systems like this, anything that happens off the golden path creates partial or dirty data. Dealing with this data in the future can become a nightmare. Just remember, your data will likely long outlive your codebase. Spend energy keeping it orderly and clean, it’ll pay off well in the long run.
Look for technological sharks 寻找技术鲨鱼
Old technologies that have stuck around are sharks, not dinosaurs. They solve problems so well that they have survived the rapid changes that occur constantly in the technology world. Don’t bet against these technologies, and replace them only if you have a very good reason. These tools won’t be flashy, and they won’t be exciting, but they will get the job done without a lot of sleepless nights.
Don’t mistake humility for ignorance 不要把谦逊误认为是无知
There are a lot of software engineers out there who won’t express opinions unless asked. Never assume that just because someone isn’t throwing their opinions in your face that they don’t have anything to add. Sometimes the noisiest people are the ones we want to listen to the least. Talk to the people around you, seek their feedback and advice. You’ll be glad you did.
Software engineers should write regularly 软件工程师应该定期写作
Software engineers should regularly blog, journal, write documentation and in general do anything that requires them to keep their written communication skills sharp. Writing helps you think about your problems, and helps you communicate those more effectively with your team and your future self. Good written communication is one of the most important skills for any software engineer to master.
Keep your processes as lean as possible 尽可能保持流程精简
Everyone wants to be agile these days, but being “agile” is about building things in small chunks, learning, and then iterating. If someone is trying to shoehorn much more into it than that, then they’re probably selling something. It isn’t to say that people don’t need accountability or help to work this way, but how many times have you heard someone from your favorite tech company or large open source project brag about how great their Scrum process is? Stay lean on process until you know you need more. Trust your team and they will deliver.
如今每个人都希望变得敏捷,但“敏捷”就是小块地构建事物、学习,然后迭代。如果有人试图强行塞入更多东西,那么他们可能正在出售一些东西。这并不是说人们不需要问责制或帮助来以这种方式工作,但是您有多少次听到来自您最喜欢的科技公司或大型开源项目的人吹嘘他们的 Scrum 流程有多么出色?保持精益流程,直到您知道您需要更多。相信您的团队,他们会交付。
Software engineers, like all humans, need to feel ownership 软件工程师和所有人一样,需要有主人翁感
If you divorce someone from the output of their work, they will care less about their work. I see this almost as a tautology. This is the primary reason why cross-functional teams work so well, and why DevOps has become so popular. It isn’t all about handoffs and inefficiencies, it is about owning the whole process from start to finish, and being directly responsible for delivering value. Give a group of passionate people complete ownership over designing, building, and delivering a piece of software (or anything really) and amazing things will happen.
如果你将某人与他们的工作成果分开,他们就会不太关心他们的工作。我认为这几乎是同义反复。这是跨职能团队运作良好以及 DevOps 如此受欢迎的主要原因。这并不全是交接和低效率,而是掌控从开始到结束的整个流程,并直接负责交付价值。让一群充满热情的人完全掌控设计、构建和交付一个软件(或任何真正的东西),神奇的事情就会发生。
Interviews are almost worthless for telling how good of a team member someone will be 面试对于判断一个人的团队成员有多优秀几乎毫无价值
Interviews are far better spent trying to understand who someone is, and how interested they are in a given field of expertise. Trying to suss out how good of a team member they will be is a fruitless endeavor. And believe me, how smart or knowledgable someone is is also not a good indicator that they will be a great team member. No one is going to tell you in an interview that they are going to be unreliable, abusive, pompous, or never show up to meetings on time. People might claim they have “signals” for these things… “if they ask about time off in the first interview then they are never going to be there!” But these are all bullshit. If you’re using signals like these you’re just guessing and turning away good candidates.
Always strive to build a smaller system 始终努力构建更小的系统
There are a lot of forces that will push you to build the bigger system up-front. Budget allocation, the inability to decide which features should be cut, the desire to deliver the “best version” of a system. All of these things push us very forcefully towards building too much. You should fight this. You learn so much as you’re building a system that you will end up iterating into a much better system than you ever could have designed in the first place. This is surprisingly a hard sell to most people.
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